Teamer Preparation Seminar!

14.06.24 - 16.06.24

Seminar location:
Lower Saxony; Hildesheim

Nearest railway station:
Hildesheim (train)


The Teamer Preparation Seminar (TVS) is the perfect chance to get fully prepared for your specific workcamp. You will have the opportunity to meet your co-teamer before your camp begins. With the ijgd-workcamp-office-crew you get the opportunity to discuss organizational issues such as money, insurance, law, etc. in detail. And still looking for some inspiration for games and exercises to for example strengthen the group dynamics? You’ll find it here. After the seminar you go home with your workcamp folder in your hand, lots of ideas and anticipation for the workcamp season.

This Seminar ist free of charge.

Travelling expenses:

50% of the travelling expenses will be reimbursed. (As usual: when using the cheapest ticket and limited by a maximum amount - depending on the total distance)


The seminar will take place at the ijgd office in Hildesheim, where you will also cook for yourselves. As accommodation you will have some rooms in the "Schlafladen" in Hildesheim. The dormitory was placed in three floors of a former barracks building in the end of 2020. The rooms are furnished in a functional, modern and cozy way. Sustainability and fairness are considered in every way


Sign up for your training seminar right here

14.06.2024, 15:00 Uhr bis 16.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr
Zingel 15
31134 Hildesheim