Crash Course 

15.07.24 – 18.07.24

Seminar location:
Lower Saxony; Hanover 36 km 

Nearest railway station:
Lehrte/Hanover (Train)

This crash course is for all those who already have ijgd experience. For example, if you have already attended our online seminar and would now like to get ready for the workcamp season, then this crash course is just right for you. This course is not a stand-alone training seminar, but a supplemental seminar.

This seminar will teach you everything you need to lead international groups in Germany.

The seminar consists of the following seminar contents:
1. legal/organisational aspects, during the workcamp you have the duty of supervision and management of organisational tasks.

2. leadership role, as you are the first contact person for participants as well as project partners and us, the ijgd.

3. self-organisation, to enable the entire workcamp group to actively participate with their wishes

4. internationality to promote intercultural learning.

The seminar is practical, varied, with many exercises and lively group work. So that you right away experience the very special atmosphere of joint learning and joint activity.


The Anti-War House is a seminar and group house in Sievershausen. In combination with the attractive outdoor area, it is an ideal place to hold your own seminars, training courses and camps. The Anti-War Workshop was extensively modernized in 2007. Since then, it has 20 beds and up to four group rooms, modern sanitary facilities and a well-equipped kitchen.



15.07.2024, 00:00 Uhr bis 18.07.2024, 00:00 Uhr
Kirchweg 4A
31275 Lehrte
Teilnahmegebühr 30,00 €
kostenfreie Teilnahme Seminarleitung 0,00 €